Recall How i earlier informed you of my best friend's death.
Well she is alive and well. She escaped my master
debacle plan by simply buying and eating a dozen donuts from, Krispy Kreme at the time when i cut her breaks. Instead i ended up killing our old science teacher who for some unknown reason was in the car with binoculars, a recording device, and a shovel. Her body has not been found.
But Sugarplum lives and as i explain why this was necessary she begins to get a pissy attitude with me.
Rie Rie: Imagine my suffering when the phone i love and cherish begins to buzz and ring nonstop until i answer it. Appearently, i have a text message that could not have waited until i woke up!
Sugarplum: you told me to call you when i finished reading the retarted vampire book [thats my name for it...not hers] remeber?
Rie Rie: You said you would ebd one at 3 not FIVE IN THE FUCKING MORNING!
Sugarplum: but you texted me at 4:30...
Rie Rie: and then i fell into a lovely deep and awesome sleep!
Sugarplum: [pause] it's not like you've never done that to me...
Rie Rie: im just joking with you. chill the fuck out.
As you can see, our conversation did not go smoothly, but eventually she has mostly given up the attitude and opted for indignant responses to my poking and persuading for what the fuck is wrong and why she is being a bitch.
The one thing everyone in the world must learn: i always get what i want.
And i mean that. it's not in a spoiled way like i wanted a pony and my rich daddy bought it for me...but if i want something to happen and if i try hard always happens. i've never failed yet. One day Sugarplum remarked. "How do you do that?"
well its simple. I wanted Sugarplum and D'mitri to come to breakfast at Einstines bagel one morning....but the only way they could go was if their ride Jacob picked them up. And it had to be done in less than thirty minutes or they would be late. SO ic alled Jacob. i told him he had to pick up D and Sugarplum in ten minutes and then have themselves dropped off at school so i could get them. I picked them up on ym golfcart because i convinced my mom it was necessary.
and i wanted a tattoo. That only took a month of research and convincing

I have so much uesless unk in my room and everywhere that i dont know what the fuck to do with it all! I cant bring myself to throw it all away...and organization is dull and boring. So it hink i'll juust leave it all a mess in my room. Looks pretty cool, yo.