Sunday, August 12, 2007
wait i forgot something!
So im sick, i dont feel well...ive been wearing the ame clothes for three days. i havent showered. my hair is a mess and i walk like the living dead. Then i have to take ou the garbage which simply adds to my stinky-ness. And i turn my head and see the MOST GORGEOUS blonde skater ever. And he's looking in my direction.
Half of me is like "fuck him i dont give a shit" but the other half is like "God dammit of course a really cute guy comes by when i look and feel like shit"
But he stopps boarding and kinda look at me. So here's our conversation:
Rie Rie: what?!
Blonde Boy: Dove, right?
Rie Rie:....huh?
Blonde Boy: You use Dove deoderant, right?
[at this point, i am so bamboozled and confused by him because i know i havent used deoderant in like 3 days. so i stare]
Blonde Boy: well i ue it too and i figured you must've just started using it and were testing to see if there were white lines.
Rie Rie: [finally snapping] Alright what the fuck are you talking about?
Blonde Boy: Your shirt is inside out...
[PAUSE AND DEFEATED ROAR because god dammit he was right!] so we get to talking for like 2 1/2 to 5 minutes of lame discussion. I hand him my phone and he hands me his and we give out our numbers, but as he's skateboarding away i realize that i never got his i check my phone and the only new number is under the name "The One"
haha it was so cheesy, cute and romantic i had to write it down. Im about to delete it from ym phone anyways. Because i believe he was just messing with me. He's not going to call and Lord knows i wont call when i have aboyfriend (i prolly wouldnt call anyway) but my friends keep threatening me to call so i must get rid of the least our of my phone. lol.
I love you Nick...if you're reading this and you shouldnt be worried cause you are so much sweeter. =D
The End of Childhood...

The poor lady looked at me like i was throwing my life away and there was nothing she could do to save me. Thankfully, Lu bought the bananas seperately otherwise it would have been significantly MORE awkward.
lol. and dont think that we just bought the condoms and bananas and then were done with it... we went and played around. We blew up balloons...taught Lu how to give head...practiced condomizing the we learned the differences between certain condoms. it was a funny funny night of laughs and learning.
All i have to say is that it rocked. lol.
Then the next morning we went to Target and the mall again.
I didnt buy anything but...
i got Sugarplum an awesome Flour de lis shirt since she wasnt there that night AND shes french. =] i also got a really cool buddha necklace...a new book....Lu and J got ALL kinds of makeup and condoms...NEW condoms in fun boxes with flavors and stuff...[we have yet to test and play with them all but it rocked] at the mall...i got a shotglass...a cellphone holder....and cool Dove Necklace...Lu got me an AWESOME pair of green underwear. cause thats my fav color. uhm....
The Day before at the mall i got a pair of sunglasses... [which rock]
uh...a cool necklace...and just ALL KINDS OF FUN STUFF. lol.
it was great. i got home and pretty much stayed on the computer all day. that was boyfriend told me he was in love with me. This is kinda a big deal. I've known him since seventh grade...he had a crush on me but i turned him down cause i liked a different boy. Then i cheated on that other boy with my current boyfriend at the theatre at "Phantom of the Opera" on a class trip. Nick and I didnt really stay friends when i left our school at the beginning of eighth grade for public school...but i was in church about a month or two ago with Sugarplum when i saw him and I was like WOW! and now we're dating and i guess he thinks he loves me.
which is weird for me because i dont know if i love him and he seems to really mean it. So for now i say it back but i'll let him know when i really mean it. lol. Stupid romance drama.