Alas, Sugarplum and I continue to discuss.
This time, it is about her boyfriend. His name is Bob. He is in our band. He is a drummer and he's also very very not gonna lie. I have a boyfriend too....but its a knock fact that Krystal right now is dating the hottest of the quarttett boyfriends. Anyways.
Bob's parents dont let him date. Cause they're retarted. i dont understand how someone can "not let someone date". wtf?
Bob doest try very hard to date someone, we know this because in freshmen year he dated Lu for a few months. Their relationship existed mostly at school.
Well it's summertime now. Sugarplum and Bob began dating at the end of Band Camp...and now school doesnt start for another week and a half...they havent talke don the phone...or seen each other...or ANYTHING!. it's like they're not even dating! and it pisses me off because Sugarplum is so cool and pretty that she could have her pick of guys...then she finally picks a cute guy and it turns out that they are a shitty couple! grrrrr!
p.s. she is out of town and i miss her so this is when we talk =[
here is our convo via instant message:
Rie Rie: are u talking to bob-o at all while you'r up there?
Sugarplum: Uh no. He hasn't called me and i haven't been online much.
Rie Rie: thats horrible.
Rie Rie:so much for trying, eh?
Sugarplum: Im only trying as hard as he is
Rie Rie: ....that isnt going t help much, is it?
Sugarplum: I dont want to wear myself out trying hes not going to try
Rie Rie: ...Sugarplum...omg. just call him and explain that. ask him if he really likes you and really wants to actually date. if not..then theres not point and break up but if he does then do something! call him or talk about him or something! be a girlfriend!
Sugarplum: Not now.
Sugarplum: Ill talk to him at school
Rie Rie: Your gonna wait til school to even talk to him?
Sugarplum: Well ill be busy till then
Rie Rie: ...fine. do what you want buddy...but how will u even make it to school if u dont act like gf and bf for the two weeks before. just sayin.
Sugarplum: Idk
Rie Rie: i love you. and i hope ur having fun. we miss you. =[i moinsdetrois u: Its just different that his parents dont let him date
Rie Rie: ...he coudl still talk on the phone. or go out with "friends"
Sugarplum: Yea i know but kinda afraid that he doesnt even want to try
Rie Rie: have to talk to him.
Sugarplum: No but just from what Lu has told me
Rie Rie: have to talk to him, Sugarplum. let him know...what do you think he'll do? laugh at you? no he'll feel bad and understand. maybe it'll get him tryin.
Sugarplum: I know i have to talk to him
Sugarplum: And i will when we get back in school
Rie Rie: yeah...perhaps a phone call? explain things.
Sugarplum: U or bob-o?
Rie Rie: why would u call me?
Sugarplum: Idk.
Sugarplum: Cuz id rather talk to him in person
Rie Rie: got it.
btw, im texting with D'mitri again and STILL talking to Sugarplum about her adventures in the other side of the globe [i.e. stupid Massechusetts]
but can you all understand my frusteration! i mean, my byofriend and i talk once or maybe twice a day. We say hi we say night....i told him iw as sick and he said he was sorry but thats because he's extremely busy partying at the beach and i have been sick! we've still talked...just not as much as we usually would...however my boyfrined doesnt go to our school. so i dont have one of those "i'll talk to him at school" lines to pull. I have to talk to him when i can and see him whenever possible. Im going to strangle her, i mean it, She never listens to me!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Recall How i earlier informed you of my best friend's death.
Well she is alive and well. She escaped my master
debacle plan by simply buying and eating a dozen donuts from, Krispy Kreme at the time when i cut her breaks. Instead i ended up killing our old science teacher who for some unknown reason was in the car with binoculars, a recording device, and a shovel. Her body has not been found.
But Sugarplum lives and as i explain why this was necessary she begins to get a pissy attitude with me.
Rie Rie: Imagine my suffering when the phone i love and cherish begins to buzz and ring nonstop until i answer it. Appearently, i have a text message that could not have waited until i woke up!
Sugarplum: you told me to call you when i finished reading the retarted vampire book [thats my name for it...not hers] remeber?
Rie Rie: You said you would ebd one at 3 not FIVE IN THE FUCKING MORNING!
Sugarplum: but you texted me at 4:30...
Rie Rie: and then i fell into a lovely deep and awesome sleep!
Sugarplum: [pause] it's not like you've never done that to me...
Rie Rie: im just joking with you. chill the fuck out.
As you can see, our conversation did not go smoothly, but eventually she has mostly given up the attitude and opted for indignant responses to my poking and persuading for what the fuck is wrong and why she is being a bitch.
The one thing everyone in the world must learn: i always get what i want.
And i mean that. it's not in a spoiled way like i wanted a pony and my rich daddy bought it for me...but if i want something to happen and if i try hard always happens. i've never failed yet. One day Sugarplum remarked. "How do you do that?"
well its simple. I wanted Sugarplum and D'mitri to come to breakfast at Einstines bagel one morning....but the only way they could go was if their ride Jacob picked them up. And it had to be done in less than thirty minutes or they would be late. SO ic alled Jacob. i told him he had to pick up D and Sugarplum in ten minutes and then have themselves dropped off at school so i could get them. I picked them up on ym golfcart because i convinced my mom it was necessary.
and i wanted a tattoo. That only took a month of research and convincing

I have so much uesless unk in my room and everywhere that i dont know what the fuck to do with it all! I cant bring myself to throw it all away...and organization is dull and boring. So it hink i'll juust leave it all a mess in my room. Looks pretty cool, yo.
Plans! Finally!
So this would be Friday. Alas, i am Sick. Well, not really. Actually, i was sick two days ago. My throat is slightly sore and i have a runny nose but it's nothing serious. But just between you and me...I'm deathly ill and i feel like crap. Still dont understand? Why in hell would i say i feel fine and be subjected to chores and bitching from the woman who birthed me? im smarter than that.
Anyways, Sadly i must report that my best friends has died. it was a tragic accident where i cut the brakes in her car and grinned maliciously as it rolled down a hill in Florida and landed within a fiery lake.
Well what do you expect? SHE WOKE ME UP AT 5AM TO TELL ME SHE FINISHED READING ECLIPSE! now, i understand enthusiasm for a book. I, myself, am i known harry Potter addict...but Texting me so my phone is nonstop buzzing and clanging to inform me that i missed a text at FIVE IN THE MORNING?! who would do that? so i had to punish her. She is dead now and will not be joining me on our trip to wherever the hell we're going next weekend. Oh well. She had a nice long life.
Actually, the plans for next weekend are still up...we just dont know where the hell we're going. it's a battle between my Family Reunion and a party weekend at Vero Beach. Personally...I'd chose the Reunion..
FUCK NO I WOULDNT! i want to go party at the beach with my best friend and possibly my boyfriend if i can get him to come and visit! Why in hell would i go the the family reuinion? certainly not to reunite with family that i dont even like...thats crazy!
In other news, J and Lu are coming to get me today. Thank the Lord!I have been locked in this insane asylum for about a week now...since Tuesday. I got sick on Wednesday. it is now...Saturday, isnt it? Is it Saturday or Friday?. i dont know for Fuck's sake! How am i supposed to know? i only know important stuff like all the middle names of every Harry Potter Characters and who is actually good-looking in the eleventh grade this year.
Thats what year im in, by the way. I am in the class of 2009 and it's mighty fine. I go to a private school that has a tendency to read blogs and then try to expel you for their content. Well they can kiss my ass because im sick of being opressed by the MAN. haha.
currently i am listening to Party like a Rockstar and feeling Lonely because my text buddy: D'mitri is out of service...or my phone is retarted cause it wont sen my messages and keeps saving them in the outbox.
D and I textso freaking much..he's the majority of my texts along with a bunch from my best friend and a few from ym boyfriend. They're the only ones who text me...but D'mitri makes up for a bunch of people not texting me because we text for hours discussing either the dumbest things or the coolest things.
Anyways, J, Lu and I are going to see Stardust and go to the mall, probably, and thenspend the night at J's. I'm kinda excited, but i really do have a cough and i dont want to get them sick. But it's not as if im not constantly up for risk of the mono infection when i hang with them. lol. im just kidding. Only K has gotten mono and im not saying how!!
I should probably go, yo, but I'll be back either later or tomorrow or something! i got me some chores to do so i can ge tthe fuck out of here!
Anyways, Sadly i must report that my best friends has died. it was a tragic accident where i cut the brakes in her car and grinned maliciously as it rolled down a hill in Florida and landed within a fiery lake.
Well what do you expect? SHE WOKE ME UP AT 5AM TO TELL ME SHE FINISHED READING ECLIPSE! now, i understand enthusiasm for a book. I, myself, am i known harry Potter addict...but Texting me so my phone is nonstop buzzing and clanging to inform me that i missed a text at FIVE IN THE MORNING?! who would do that? so i had to punish her. She is dead now and will not be joining me on our trip to wherever the hell we're going next weekend. Oh well. She had a nice long life.
Actually, the plans for next weekend are still up...we just dont know where the hell we're going. it's a battle between my Family Reunion and a party weekend at Vero Beach. Personally...I'd chose the Reunion..
FUCK NO I WOULDNT! i want to go party at the beach with my best friend and possibly my boyfriend if i can get him to come and visit! Why in hell would i go the the family reuinion? certainly not to reunite with family that i dont even like...thats crazy!
In other news, J and Lu are coming to get me today. Thank the Lord!I have been locked in this insane asylum for about a week now...since Tuesday. I got sick on Wednesday. it is now...Saturday, isnt it? Is it Saturday or Friday?. i dont know for Fuck's sake! How am i supposed to know? i only know important stuff like all the middle names of every Harry Potter Characters and who is actually good-looking in the eleventh grade this year.
Thats what year im in, by the way. I am in the class of 2009 and it's mighty fine. I go to a private school that has a tendency to read blogs and then try to expel you for their content. Well they can kiss my ass because im sick of being opressed by the MAN. haha.
currently i am listening to Party like a Rockstar and feeling Lonely because my text buddy: D'mitri is out of service...or my phone is retarted cause it wont sen my messages and keeps saving them in the outbox.
D and I textso freaking much..he's the majority of my texts along with a bunch from my best friend and a few from ym boyfriend. They're the only ones who text me...but D'mitri makes up for a bunch of people not texting me because we text for hours discussing either the dumbest things or the coolest things.
Anyways, J, Lu and I are going to see Stardust and go to the mall, probably, and thenspend the night at J's. I'm kinda excited, but i really do have a cough and i dont want to get them sick. But it's not as if im not constantly up for risk of the mono infection when i hang with them. lol. im just kidding. Only K has gotten mono and im not saying how!!
I should probably go, yo, but I'll be back either later or tomorrow or something! i got me some chores to do so i can ge tthe fuck out of here!
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