Monday, September 24, 2007

The Highs of The Lows

I wrote about that feeling...the one where you're really down and nothing can 'lift' you up, right?

yeah thats now.

i had a good day. really i did. and i was trying my hardest not to let anything bother me. i think i did a fine job.

up until now. im not sure if im allowed on blog sites on the school computer, or if in a few seconds one of the teachers will call my name, tell me to get off the computer, or simply override and exit it for me. I'm not worried, though, because im nnot doing anything wrong. and i dont remember reading blog sites on the list of things we cant go on.

i have my ID on.
my shirt is (mostly) tucked in.
I dont have any homework due.
I'm not hungry.
and i left my phone in Lucy's car this morning.

SO the term "I have nothing to do" truly applies.
Usually, on sixth period of a typical school day, i would be with my best friend enjoying lunch in the band room.

not anymore. She;s switched out.

Amazing as it is, i cant get out of my chem class and my geometry class, yet she's managed about 3 switches so far. it's completely riddiculous. Something always stops me....when she's able to step forward.

She used to play baritone/trombone in low brass for our band.
This year she switched to colorguard with me, lucy, and lisa [and mariana].
Lisa used to play clarinet in the woodwinds last year
and sometimes, when our coach leaves, Lisa will play some stands music on Catherine's clarinet: completely harmless.

but....Krystal wanted to do that too at the last wouldnt let her.
So she started crying. it bothered her that she had to choose.
and now she has found a way where she doesnt have to choose.
She'll play baritone for concert season and colorguard for the football season.
Lisa will be doing that too.
Usually, this wouldnt have mattered to me.
I mean if she wants to do something that makes her happy then power to her.
but...there's nobody in my lunch.
and i barely see her, Lucy, Lisa or Jessie as it is.
The only person of my friends who i have a single class Sylvan in math. i dont sit anywhere near him.

So on days like this, where everything just sucks...i rlly want to go home but i cant stand being there when i could possibly not be. that make sense?

but there has been some good news: Lindsey is back.
She's not dead which was a real not even kidding.
She flipped her car because she couldnt see when a peice of paper blocked her vision.

when i say 'flipped', i mean FLIPPED THE EFF OVER. i've seen the pictures. her carpool is lucky to be alive in my opinion and all she had is a few scratches and bumps.

She's riding home with Krystal today who cannot parallel park to save her life. honestly.

and this is why i avoid the hassels of driving: danger. responsibility. money.

I have work tonight...woo hoo....NOT

yes let's make the announced athiest who got expelled from SCS go coordinate the youth ministry at the same church that kicked her out! good idea!

just keep repeating

today is going to be a good day today is going to be a good day because no matter what happens it's my attitude that makes it good or bad. today is going to be a good day. today is going to be a good day because i want it to be. because i need it to be.

yeah this is NOT working. damn. twenty 3 minues remaining. this year is going to suck.